Monday, January 27, 2020

Health and Social Care Task

Health and Social Care Task Introduction: Understanding the specific needs in health and social care is very important in the context of society. A social care and service provider needs to understand the specific and diverse needs in health and social care in order to provide better service, treatment and care. It is also important to know what factors and systems actually meet and support the specific needs. In this assignment, I will first analyze the concepts of health, illness and disability. Then I will try to assess the needs in health and social care and find out how the perception has changed over time. The care requirements of a specific group will also be explored to show how organizations and services support. I will take a look into the impact of legislation, social policy and culture on the services. This will include me analyzing the needs of individuals with specific needs. I will also be evaluating the services and facilities available in the local area following a research with specifying a questionnaire. F inally I will have a look into the approaches and intervention strategies that support people with specific needs and strategies for coping with challenging behaviors related with specific needs. Task 1 Discussion on the change of the concept of disability and illness: According to The equality Act 2010, disability means having a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ harmful effect on your ability to do daily regular activity. There are various types of disabilities a person could have. It affects a person’s health condition. Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well being. Health is related with the effectiveness of a human being in performing the regular daily activities or having access to the proper education, occupation or recreation. On the other hand ‘illness’ refers to the bad state or condition of the health. A person having illness is usually physically impaired and he becomes mostly dependant on others. Another relevant thing is ‘Behavioural issues’. It is the drastic change in the behaviour of people which takes a person to serious mental depression or mental disorder. These disorders include aggressiveness and dishevelled lo ok. With the passage of time the concept of disability and illness in relation to stroke victims has been changed over the few decades. People having disabilities often have specific needs from social care workers. People with learning disabilities are heterogeneous in terms of age group, the degree of disability and the related problems. In the past there were large hospitals established for the purpose of caring for people with special needs because of long physical or mental illness. Over time they became overcrowded hospitals and quality of care provided to them declined. The standard of service became very poor and as a result they were closed after some time. The professional staffs were then shifted to the specialist work communities that worked for the people with specific needs because of the learning disabilities. This helped the improvement of the effectiveness of the treatment and care provided to the people with specific needs. However, the widespread people with learning di sabilities have always been in the community and have had to compete with the common population for health care services. These all had changed the perception of the specific needs over the time being. Analysis of the political, economic, psychological Social and legal framework: The group of service users is cared for in several frameworks. These frameworks include political, economic, psychological Social and legal factors. The current legislations comprise: Care Trust: it is thought as the closets model for a complete union of social and health care in England. Health Act 1999 which includes the three flexible powers for the social and health care services providers: to pool their budgets, to create the combination of service providers and to improve the top commission arrangements. Personal Health Budgets: it is usually for the adults. Financially poor people can get advantage of having service here. Children’s Trust: It gives emphasis on measuring the common framework for children, sharing information and working with youth and children. These initiatives take the health and social care to new heights. For the good health and wellbeing the government is actively looking through it and trying to make the best policy for the future Society. Social policy and culture also affects people with special needs. The social corporation plays an important role in the behaviour and the general health of the person. When people are excluded from society due to their illness or disability, it may take to severe depression and worsen the health condition. People with specific needs have the legal rights to take proper care and services in the society. There are some cultural factors which lead to discrimination in people in the society. So these social, cultural, legal frameworks do have a great impact on the individual’s specific needs and the services they are getting. Task 2 (A) Support system and facilities for the young people with Schizophrenia following a research: Schizophrenia is a kind of mental disorder. A person having this kind of disorder faces problem with his behavior or mental issues. As a part of society, young people with Schizophrenia in a society must have proper facilities and support system to help him lead normal life. To conduct a research in our local area about the facilities for young people with Schizophrenia, I needed to make a questionnaire. The questionnaire includes the following questions: Your name Your age Your present address Your perception about Schizophrenia. What problems do you face with your disorder? Are there any facilities or support systems in your locality for your disorder? How many and what types of facilities are there for your support? Did you avail the facilities? How was the facilities provided to you? Did the service provided to you help? Is the number of facilities available enough for the locality? While conducting the research on 30 young people with Schizophrenia, I have found that there are a number of facilities and systems to support them and they are quite satisfied with the service and facilities they are getting. These facilities include Community mental health teams: providesregular support and treatment and ensures to live with much independence as possible. Psychological treatment: there are a number of psychological treatments available for them. People with mental disorder can have treatment from the psychologists. Meditations: meditation is another way of treatment of Schizophrenia. Young people can have the facility for treatment. Community Engagement: engaging with communities also helps as a treatment of Schizophrenia. Young people with Schizophrenia can also avail the facility from their locality. These facilities cater to the people seeking treatment with their specific needs. But according to the needs of individual, the adoption of facility may vary. (B) Analysis on the local services for the users within Care Value Based framework: There are several local services available for the people with specific needs. The type of services patients are getting from their locality may vary according to his specific needs. For example low social economic status is a serious mental disorder and so it needs certain treatment. Racial discrimination leads to more serious concerns, which are related to mental disorders. Among all the low socio economic status has the biggest effect as it limits access the health care and low education. The low socio economic status is very complex characteristic and includes the quality of health along with education and income. These inequalities are not fair and kind of unnecessary as these have taken some people to longer illness and disorder. People having such kind of disability need to be consulted with proper service and care. There are different professionals that help in providing the service to the people with these needs. Some of them are: NHS Centre: They provide quick access. There are 66 centers in England for almost any convenient location. They provide advice and information on the phone. They offer tips on self-care on health issues. General Practitioners: They play an important role in providing health care. They are usually the first point of contact for people. Every person has the right to join them in the UK Primary care trust: they responsible for providing primary health care. They work to reduce local health inequalities. Besides these there are other arrangements for the treatment of the people with specific disability. These services has quite changes within the last 20 years and along with the related legislations introduced. These services are quite available in local areas. Anyone seeking to get service and care locally can avail from here. Task 3 Assessment on the significance of new government initiatives: There is great significance of new government. initiatives. These initiatives help to foster autonomy and promote empowerment of young vulnerable adults. There are several approaches and interventions to support people with specific needs. Some of the approaches are described below: Self – help – This includes the self approach towards improvisation of the condition. Evidence-based practice – This encompasses the services and care that constantly focuses the effectiveness of the people Advocacy – It comprises a whole range of methods and approaches used to change those practices and policies, attitudes and behaviors that work as impediments to the improvement and discrimination against disabled.. Autonomy and empowerment This includes making the opportunities measurable for the people with disability. This reveals the social responsibility of the society towards the disabled. Medications and required therapies: it can also be used as an approach. There are several interventions that can be followed. They are: Physical interventions – it comprises the suitable exercise and therapies for the joint movements. It helps individual in restoring the lost functions and assists in maintaining the physical status. Psychological interventions –It helps individual in lifting up the morale and building the positive attitude in his life. This therapy helps in removing depression, suicidal affinity, anxiety and assists in personality changes. Educational interventions – this is an important intervention as it requires the specific and pertinent health information by the people. This information is given by the proper connection between the individuals and health care provider. Vocational interventions – it includes promoting the vocational training that go with the level of disability. This helps to outfit suitable working and earn a livelihood for an independent life. The intervention strategies and approaches are important for the people with certain disabilities. This actually aids them in many ways to develop their present conditions. The physical intervention is beneficial for reinstating the physical strength. It comprises the suitable exercise and therapies for the joint movements. These acts and functions works for an individual with disability to regain his normal life. Among the interventions, psychological intervention is most vital as it aids an individual in lifting up his morale and creating positive attitude towards life which is very important to lead normal life. Besides, vocational and educational interventions help an individual with specific needs to become self-dependant and lead independent life. It also provides them current health information and proper knowledge which is very essential for them. In a word, these strategies and interventions help people with specific needs to lead a normal life. Discussion on how to consider on-going government developments that will transform services to young vulnerable adults: The on-going developments include technological and medical advancement. There comes certain variation in the policies and legislations from national and international view point. The potential impact of on-going developments comprises the following: Rights versus protection of others and self Risk versus autonomy and independence Remedial therapy versus alleviation of needs Preferences and choices Policies and service dilemmas The on-going government development must have some certain strategies to transform the services to the young vulnerable adults. There should be availability of information about the risk evaluation and organization in adult social care. This will help become stable the vulnerable adult’s health. There are some external agencies that operate the scheme to assist the vulnerable adult and encourage the health and well being in the society. They try to encourage and maintain the proper environment with healthy care partnership. The strategies and approaches for the health and social care suppliers are very much realizable. The plan should be integrated with the patient and well communicated with them so that the best outcome can be got. There should be an integrated approach for providing superior service and proper care to the patients and organisations should work together and closely each other. That is how the services will be transformed to the young vulnerable adults over the next 10 years. Task 4 The role of concepts to explain complex behavior relating to specific needs: There are different concepts of challenging behaviour related with specific needs. An individual with challenging behaviour have the bad temperament, lack of cooperation, self harming intention, and he shows his anger on others. This occurs to him because of his physical impairment, learning disabilities, physical or mental ill health, certain brain injury etc. In the context of society, the challenging behaviour is thought as the unacceptable or the obnoxious behaviour which includes: Physical abuses like assault or personal attack oral abuse like bullying and racist or bad comments Self harming behaviour harsh behaviour for others illegitimate behaviour Negative behaviour towards environment and surroundings etc. There are several factors that influence the challenging behaviour. Some of them are: Perceptions and expectations Anxiety, fear, dependency, temperament etc Frustration or depression Physical Disability sick health Sexuality exhaustion Pain Drugs and alcohol Sleep interruption Social factors like relationship, culture, and ethnicity etc The treatment for these complex behaviours is available according to specific needs. Factors to be considered for managing challenging behavior of young people with learning disabilities: There are several factors that have to be considered to manage the challenging behavior with learning disability. But first of all we need to know the impact of suffering from challenging behaviour. Some of them are: They do not lead a normal life They generally lead isolated life and don’t have the contact with the friends and family or neighbors. They face the complexity in communicating with others They have the reminiscence problem They get addicted to drugs and alcohol They require more emotional and financial support They are more likely to abuse because of the mental illness. Besides, they are greatly dependent on others. They should be provided proper care with their specific needs. The following are the most significant risk factors of challenging behavior: Caregiver’s failure to adjust with them and deal with the stress. Less support from the caregivers Depression among the caregivers Substance abuse Social separation Patient with the history of conjugal violence Physical and verbal aggression etc. These factors should be considered with proper care for managing challenging behavior of young people with learning disabilities. Analysis on methods or strategies that could be applied to improve the situation of a vulnerable adult: To improve the condition of vulnerable adults, there are certain methods and strategies that could be followed. But to adopt a strategy appropriate training should be provided to handle the vulnerable groups. They must respect the rights of the patients and make sure that their behaviour must not hurt them or their emotions. Every patient should be treated respectfully. There are some certain standards and codes in providing service and care to the patients. Service providers must comply with the codes and standards in giving the services and cares to the patients. Vulnerable adults are a part of society. So they have the right to have better services and proper care and lead a normal life. To assist him lead a normal life, health and social care organizations should follow some certain methods and strategies to provide quality service and care and improve their condition. The codes and policies are useful when the practices work in a prescribed manner. The vulnerable groups are dependent on the social workers. So they have to work according to the policies and procedures. These initiatives bring the health and social care to new level allowing access to all people for good health and social care. With the passage of time the health and social care working are getting more comprehensive and more refined in the form of services and care provided to the patients.The government must actively look through these and should try to make better policies and procedures in future. Conclusions: Lastly we can conclude that, understanding the specific needs in Health and Social care is very crucial in terms of providing health and social care services to the patients in the context of society. To understand the specific needs, one needs to firstly know the concept of Health, illness, disability etc. These terms has changed over the past couple of decades. Social, cultural and legal frameworks have some impact on the individual’s specific needs and the services they are getting from the social and health care service providers. There are several facilities available for the people having disability but their type’s treatment may vary according to their specific needs. Government take several initiatives for them to help to foster autonomy and promote empowerment of young vulnerable adults. Integrated plans with patients and on-going governmental developments will transform services to the vulnerable adults easily. People with complex behaviors need to understand to cope with giving service to them. There are some certain factors that need to be considered for managing challenging behaviors of young people with learning disability. And finally to improve the situation of a vulnerable adult and help him lead a normal life, some certain methods and strategies can be followed.

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