Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Northwest Passage - 2403 Words

The opening up of the north polar sea between 1815 and 1817 had prompted Barrow to propose a plan to send two expedition voyages, one in search of the Northwest Passage and the other to proceed from the sea of Spitzbergen towards the North Pole. Accordingly he sent the plan to the President and Council of the Royal Society which duly returned with their approval and the orders were issued by the Board of the Admiralty. Examining such interplay between scientific institutions, such as the Royal Society and the British Admiralty, one can see a well defined division of labour, in the collaboration between gentleman scientists at home and their field workers in the navy ship on voyages of exploration, in which the navy sent the ship to collect†¦show more content†¦On one side there are those who regard the naval scientific expedition as an instrument for imperialism, such as Jane Samson in the ‘That Extensive Enterprise’, in which she had indicated that there was c onsiderable evidence of imperial tendency in Berthold Seemann, who as the naturalist on board the Herald in responded to landscape and noted connections between the collection of scientific data and the interests of British commercial and political expansion. In her analysis, she shows that the characteristic of many explorers and naturalists on the naval scientific expeditions evidently represent the tendency towards imperial power and the exploitation of nature. She states that, ‘Naval survey expeditions did far more than chart coast lines; they also mapped Europe’s conquest of the non-European world, cataloguing the future of empire’. This was amplified by Janet Browne, who emphasised the activity of naturalists in studying animal and plant distribution patterns or biogeography as a proxy for colonial ideology, in which ‘interpretations of animal and plant distribution patterns over the globe...were intimately related to the emerging ideology of coloni alism’. On the other side there are some naval historians, who believe that international cooperation in science between imperial rivals and the number of foreigners involved inShow MoreRelatedMotives of Exploration of the New World Essay823 Words   |  4 PagesMotives for the Spanish, French, and English explorers varied greatly, however, they were similar in some ways. The motives of the Spanish explorers were acquisition of mineral wealth, spread of Christianity, search of El Dorado, search of Northwestern Passage, and thrill of adventure. The treasures that Columbus brought back to Spain enticed many adventurous explorers and sent them searching for gold and silver. Missionary clergymen sought to serve God by converting the natives to Christianity. By 1634Read MoreEarly Pacific Northwest History Essay1003 Words   |  5 PagesThe first three major eras of the Pacific Northwest show some remarkable changes. 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